Thursday, May 26, 2011

mass murder

ratko mladic, the former bosnian serb general and mastermind behind the 1995 massacre of almost 8,000 bosnian muslim men and boys in srebrenica, was captured in serbia today. he will soon be extradited to the international war crimes tribunal in the hague. 
i remember vividly the news coverage of the mass graves and the screaming, anguished faces of wives, mothers and daughter looking for their loved ones. i remember the news reports and watching the three year siege and destruction of sarajevo and the images of snipers shooting people attempting to go out and fetch water. i remember the images of men and women being separated, and the men being shipped off in pickup trucks covered in wire. 
mladic was an enthusiastic architect to all of this - a leading force behind the muslim massacre at srebrenica, the worst case of ethnic cleansing in europe since world war two.

 *photos courtesy of getty images & the nytimes.

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