Tuesday, July 26, 2011

no news is good news

i've been making a conscious effort not to watch the television news lately, something downright revolutionary for the news junkie in me. there are just too many one sided, no content and not fully reported stories and reports and i frankly have found that it leaves me with no new information, just a headache. 
print media however, is my daily shadow and through it there is thought, explanation, questioning and horizon broadening. 
here are two articles i came across today- some insight and some light at an end to a never ending occupying tunnel. 
the first is from the new york times, about israeli and palestinian women coming together and the other from foreign policy, about a revolution's philosophy, yesterday and today.
and just in case you are looking for a place to get thorough in-debt stories and investigative reporting, look no further than propublica.
*photo courtesy of the nytimes

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