Tuesday, July 19, 2011

joan's on third

i'm not a big cupcake girl. i never understood the whole wait in line for an hour for a cupcake craze and tend to think that the frosting is too sweet and the batter is too dry. there is however one local bakery that has what i think are the most delicious cupcakes in town.
joan's on third is my absolute favorite local gourmet marketplace and bakery. they make the most delicious baked good, salads and sandwiches on this side of town and if there was just one place i could eat lunch or grab a coffee and afternoon treat on a daily basis, it would be at joan's.
it is at joan's where we shared this picture perfect vanilla raspberry cupcake over the weekend  - no sweet frosting, perfectly moist vanilla cake and delicious raspberry filling hiding inside. bon appetit!

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