Saturday, July 23, 2011


i'm in massive need of de-cluttering - out with the old and in with the new - and if there is anything i need in my little apartment after all the old has been thrown out and donated is a nice big bookshelf to stack with books i no longer remember having because they now sit stacked two and three thick behind each other on an old ikea shelf. 
here is a beautiful simple bookshelf designed by studio parade (sold at suite new york) called paperback. i love the simplicity in its design and the idea of displaying books horizontally. it’s made of lightweight resin-fortified paper, requires just four screws to mount to the wall and contains special tabs to make room for larger coffee-table books or frames. lovely. 
now if we can just work on a new, bigger apartment... 


  1. Seems a little like color classifying books?

  2. Ha! the picture above, yes. my books randomly stacked (in a new no carpet room), no!
