Friday, September 7, 2012

i can't see clearly now

well, it's happened. i turned 40 and now i need reading glasses. seemingly overnight, the ingredients written on food packages, small menu's in dimly lit restaurants and small fonts on my laptop became blurry and hazy. with my contact lenses off, i'm still a visionary microscope, but with them on during the day, i am the one you see squinting, frowning and moving the itsy-bitsy type back and forth. 
so, determined not to become the lady with glasses hanging around her neck (just yet) i've been on a mission to find cool and inexpensive reading glasses. after disastrous visits to a couple of drug stores my quest has led me to eyebobs and warbyparker. both brands have tons of perfectly fun and chic styles and most are priced under $100. guess where i'll be store locating myself to tomorrow?
have a clearly focused weekend!

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