martin luther king and i share a birthday. because of this little fact, i used to think, growing up, that we would share all sorts of qualities. personal courage, intellectual heft and stirring eloquence to name just a few. but now, all grown up, i'll settle on a birthday in common and maybe a little bit of likeminded passion for justice and hatred for injustice - he for his people, and me for mine. they unveiled a new memorial to dr. king on the washington mall last week. a 30 ft. tall sculpture which from the very beginning was plagued in controversy. a lot has improved in this country thanks to the tireless work and words of dr. king, but i don't think the america i live in today is the america he was striving and dreaming for.
here is an op-ed piece from the new york times, written by cornel west, about the forgotten mlk dream.
Cornel West is, as usual either willfully ignorant of the realities of real circumstance that arise from the mitigation between extreme difference or painfully naive about the possibility to, like most extreme progressives whom I love I must admit, convince someone to advocate for the downtrodden through reason and heartfelt argument.