Thursday, June 16, 2011

happy bloomsday

every june 16, the day the actions of james joyce's book ulysses took place in 1904, readers celebrate the nerdiest of all holidays: bloomsday, named in honor of the main character. around the world, joycians drink guiness, eat liver and read some of the almost 265,000 words of joyce’s masterpiece. i read the book and studied it for 4 months in a literature class and loved and hated the entire process. it's a brilliant, complex, mind boggling piece of literature - and one that no doubt deserves its own holiday. 
tonight, you can listen to the book read aloud on radio bloomsday which will have a cast of actors on from 7pm to 2 am (east coast time) reading the novel on air. 
"think you're escaping and run into yourself. longest way round is the shortest way home."
                                                                                              - james joyce - ulysses

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