i rarely make it to two films in one month, but somehow, i've managed to go see three just in this past week.
first was the documentary l'amour fou, which was less a full portrait documentary and more a literal and figurative dismantling of the life yves saint laurent shared with his partner, pierre bergé for 50 years. it lacks the passion and heat that the two shared and could have used a bit of the spark that saint laurent channeled into his beautiful and iconic fashion collections for over 30 years. nevertheless, it is a moving and thoughtful film, a genuine peek inside an iconic life.
the second movie we saw was the latest woody allen film, midnight in paris, a charming romantic comedy and nostalgic love letter to paris and its golden age. i actually quiet enjoyed this film, the most wistful of allen's films in the past several years. go see it, specially if, at some point in your life, you read a moveable feast or the great gatsby and wished you could travel back in time to the paris of the 1920s and sip absinthe with hemingway and fitzgerald at the dingo bar while they waxed poetic about their work, their women and their love for the city of lights.
the third and last film was the tree of life, the latest terrence malick film and this years palme d'or winner at the cannes film festival. i'm not exactly sure how to sum up or rate or review this one - it has been less than 12 hours since i saw it and i think it is one of those movies that stays with you for days and only then does its full scope surface. it was transporting, but maddening. intimate yet vast. a visually stunning examination of both the brutality and grace of nature, family and life. whatever it may be, and some are calling it a masterpiece, you should go see it, think it and later over several cocktails, discuss it.
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