Friday, June 29, 2012

heat wave wisdom

it's a 100 + degrees here on the east coast today and after a full week of friends, family and feasting, i've hunkered down with a fan, a/c and ice cream.
One of my favorite writers/filmmakers/journalists/foodies passed away earlier this week and while we wait for some of her films to arrive via netflix, here are my favorite nora ephron words of wisdom.
have a hot and steamy weekend!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

east bound

i'm heading to the east coast  today. my father is turning 80 in a few days and i'm ready to be overrun by much fun, frolicking, and feasting with friends and family. i have (as usual) overpacked and along with a stack of magazines, plan on re-reading reza aslan's no god but god (to better understand the possible implosion of the evolving arab spring) and the righteous mind by jonathan haidt (to better understand the possible imploding and evolving politics of it all).
seat belts fastened - ready for takeoff.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

it's raining wine

how awesome and gorgeous is this decanter? it's designed by swedish designer, matilda sundén ringnér in collaboration with skruf glasswork. i would use it everyday as a water pitcher and as a wine decanter at dinner. rainman was featured at icff this year and can be purchased here.

Monday, June 18, 2012

music monday - the tallest man on earth

the tallest man on earth's new album 'there's no leaving now" was released last week and you will be doing yourself a great disservice if you don't purchase it soon and listen to it on a long leisurely drive or longer leisurely evening...

Friday, June 15, 2012

50 states + 100 slices

kelly pratt, a design student from chicago, has decided to eat and photograph her way through all 50 state's (un)official sandwiches. of course i'm a fan of the cali avocado but can't wait to see maine (lobster?), maryland (crab?) and hawaii (lilikoi?) 
have a fantastic, fresh and toasty weekend!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


i'm blown away by the attention given to detail, the intricate simplicity of the process and the final perfect marriage between (leica) brains and (hermes) beauty. just click here and drool for yourself. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hello mayo

i've never been a big fan of mayonnaise. it was something we rarely ate at home growing up and i never understood the hype behind the need for mayo on sandwiches. why not just mustard or olive oil or butter? well, last week i tasted empire mayonnaise's walnut, saffron and white truffle flavors and can now say that i have been inducted into the mayo love club. these delicious and surprisingly light spreads will eagerly be welcome inside all my future sandwiches and if i get motivated in the coming weeks, i'm even willing to tackle this homemade version. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

how do you say yummy in norway?

we all have some sort of bucket list - variations of things we want to do before we die;  sail down the nile, hike in nepal, scuba dive in the maldives, cook a 9 course meal, get published, sky dive - you know the drill.
well, along with travel the four corners of the map, my overflowing list includes nibbling at a dozen of the top 50 restaurants in the world - which only means i better start accumulating mileage plus miles faster!

Monday, June 11, 2012

music monday - fleet foxes

"so now I am older,
than my mother and father,
when they had their daughter,
now what does that say about me..."

Friday, June 8, 2012

j'adore dior

for the majority of my (accumulating) years, i've rarely bothered with foundation or blush or eyeshadow or bronzer. somehow along the way, i didn't aquire what seems to be a passed down persian pillar - thou shall wear lots of makeup - daily!  well, now voila, my new (almost) daily companions to make my persian blood proud; hint of coverage, natural glow and a little summer sparkle, j'adore dior!
have a sheer and glowing weekend!
sienna natural radiance bronzing powder
beige print ultra-smooth high impact eyeshadow

Thursday, June 7, 2012

the house i live in

i saw a screening for eugene jarecki's sundance winning documentary the house i live in last week. it's a eye opening and provocative film documenting the failures of the 40 year american war on drugs. i liked and disliked the film, mostly because i agreed and also strongly disagreed with some of the points and theories the film aims to prove. yes, drugs have destroyed families and neighborhoods and lives, but no, the war on drugs did not start nor continues just so minorities can be 'exterminated'. he oversimplifies the roots and dangerously points the finger at causes that perpetuate the us-against-them mentality that has allowed the use of drugs to mushroom across all races and classes in this country.
it's an important film with an important thesis that unfortunately, while making some very valid points, only shows a couple of strands on a massive sticky web. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

grilled green goodness

some days a salad won't do - some days, you just need a bite of warm cheesy goodness . yesterday i made this quick, delicious and (relatively) healthy lunch - a whole wheat, goat cheese, avocado and spinach sandwich (with a dash of pepper, a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of parmesan). just what the lunchtime cravings ordered. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

summer soups

summer is officially here in my book - sun, sand, sandals, salads and thanks to these great recipes from the new york times, soups. bring on the blender!

Monday, June 4, 2012

music monday - graceland

it's the 25 year anniversary of an album that introduced most of the western music fan world to the rhythms, beats and melodies emanating from beneath the stifling apartheid south african sky. i was more of a fan of peter gabriel's musical journey to south africa, but graceland deserves it's rightful spot in the sunshine this month as reflected by this tom friedman op-ed piece and the just released documentary, under african skies. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

a therapy

some mornings all a girl really wants is a little (opulent) therapy. 
have a swanky lavish weekend!